17 Effective Ways To Clear Your Stuffy Nose A stuffy nose is a condition that affects us all from time to time. A stuffy nose can be irritating. A stuffy nose condition may get worsen at night, as more blood flow towards your head and nose causes more inflammation in your nasal passage. A blocked nose can hamper your night sleep. Your nose is dripping. You sound funny when you talk. And as soon as you want to blow your nose so that you can finally breathe again, nothing comes out. Many people think that a stuffy nose is the result of too much mucus in the nasal passages. However, the blocked nose is actually caused by swollen blood vessels in the muscles. These irritated vessels are often the result of a cold, flu, allergy, or sinus infection. When your sinuses are infected with a virus (like the common cold ), it often leads to a stuffy nose. The problem of a blocked nose is generally perceived during the onset of cold weather or season change.