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Fatty Liver: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Best Remedies

Fatty Liver
Fatty Liver: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Best Remedies

To some extent, having fat in the liver is normal but when more than 5 to 10% of the weight of your liver is fat, it is known as fatty liver disease. Although this problem is very common, due to not being detected at the right time, it can take serious form in the future. Nearly one-third of American adults are affected by fatty liver disease and are one of the principal contributors to liver failure. Having fatty liver exposes your liver to a risk of inflammation, injuries, scarring, and even lead to liver failure or cirrhosis. Luckily, fatty liver disease is a reversible disease and only needs some alterations of lifestyle for treatment. Most people are unable to take proper care of their food and health in a busy life. It has a direct impact on human health. Due to irregular routines and an unbalanced diet, many serious diseases take you under control. One of these diseases is the problem of fatty liver. Through this article of HEALTH and FITNESS, we will explain the causes, and symptoms associated with fatty liver. At the same time, we will also try to know what home remedies can be adopted to get rid of this problem.

Table of contents


Fatty liver is of two types, 
1.     Alcoholic Fatty Liver: Fatty liver of this type is induced by consuming too much alcohol.
2.     Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is mainly diagnosed in people who are obese or sedentary and those who eat a processed diet with high fats and sugar or due to diabetes.
Before we know the symptoms and factors, we will talk about the causes of fatty liver.


Let us tell you some of the main reasons, which work to promote the problem of fatty liver. We will try to understand these reasons through a few points.
Alcohol Consumption- Consuming too much alcohol also causes fatty liver problems. If it is not controlled in time, then the possibility of liver malfunction becomes strong.
Extra Calories - Excess of dietary calories in food makes fat in the liver. This excess of fat in the liver gives rise to the problem of fatty liver. Losing 10 percent of the body weight is found to improve the condition of fatty liver.
Lack Of Liver Function - This is the most important reason for having a fatty liver. When the liver process is affected for some reason, it is unable to carry out the process of breaking down fat. As a result, excess fat accumulation occurs in the liver. This causes fatty liver problems.
Specific Diseases - Diabetes and high-triglycerides (a type of fat found in the blood) cause increased liver-related risks. Fatty liver condition is linked to diabetes, insulin resistance, and high levels of blood fats. In these conditions, the possibility of fatty liver is highly potent. As per a study (2009), approximately 70% of people with type-2 diabetes might have fatty liver and the disease may increase more aggressively for diabetes patients.
Obesity - Fatty Liver Disease is often found to occur in people who are obese or overweight. A person with central obesity that collects fat around the belly is more prone to develop non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Rapid Weight Loss - Many people get invited to the problem of fatty liver in the process of rapid weight loss. The reason is that the liver plays a major role in the digestive process. In the event of not getting the required diet, the liver process is affected. Consequently, the diet taken directly accumulates in the liver as fat.
Note - In some people, fatty liver problems can be found even if there is no reason given above.


Diagnosing fatty liver is not easy. The reason is that no symptoms of fatty liver are seen in the initial days. Yes, it is possible that you go to the doctor for a problem and after seeing that problem, the doctor suspects that you are troubled by the problem of fatty liver. He can get some tests done to confirm this. Let us consider all the tests for the diagnosis of fatty liver in order.
  • Details study of Medical History.
  • Blood tests for liver enzymes can detect fatty liver. Elevated levels of liver enzymes (ALT and AST) in the blood is the marker of fatty liver.
  • Diagnostic imaging tests; Ultrasound of the abdomen, CT scan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) give more precise information about fatty liver disease.
  • Examination of liver fat content and stiffness.
  • Various tests, including biopsy, confirm when the suspicion is deepened.
  • In case of confirmation, questions related to alcohol consumption to determine whether the disease is alcoholic fatty liver or non-alcoholic fatty liver.
  • If you are already taking any medicine regularly then you inform it to know whether a particular medicine is causing this disease.
  • A physical examination will test weight and height to know whether obesity is the reason for this disease.


You have already been told in the article that fatty liver problems are very common. Therefore, in the initial days, no symptoms are seen. When symptoms of fatty liver are seen, it is too late. Experts believe that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can cause liver damage without symptoms for many years or decades. Symptoms related to this are seen only when the problem is exaggerated. They can be identified as.
Discomfort in the upper abdomen- Feeling discomfort or pain in the upper right side of the abdomen is most common and one of the initial symptoms of fatty liver.
Fatigue - One of the symptoms of fatty liver is that it makes the patient feel more tired. The reason is that due to this problem, there is a lack of energy in the patient.
Weight loss - Fatty liver affects the digestive process. Due to this, there is a lack of essential nutrients in the body. As a result, the patient's weight begins to drop rapidly as a symptom of fatty liver.
Stomach problems - Fatty liver problems act as a barrier to the digestive process. Due to this, many stomach problems can be seen in the patient.
Weakness - The person suffering from the fatty liver keeps feeling weak all the time due to a lack of proper amount of nutrients.
Experiencing confusion - Symptoms of fatty liver can sometimes result in confusion in a patient suffering from this disease.


There are several types of fatty liver risk factors. Correct information and due care can prevent the fatty liver from growing to a great extent. Let us look at these factors.
Obesity - Obesity can pose a major risk to the fatty liver. According to experts, increasing obesity can make this problem even more serious.
Diabetes - Both fatty liver and diabetes are linked to each other. In many cases, fatty liver causes an overdose of sugar in the blood. At the same time, diabetes problems can also increase the risk of fatty liver.
High cholesterol - High cholesterol in the blood can increase the problem of fatty liver. Therefore, it is important to control it in time.
High triglycerides - High triglycerides can prove to be a major risk factor for fatty liver problems. It is very important to control its overdose; otherwise, liver failure may also develop.
High blood pressure - One of the risk factors for fatty liver acid is high blood pressure problems. BP will need to be controlled to get rid of the problem of fatty liver.
Rapid weight loss - An intense desire to lose weight can also make you prone to fatty liver problems. The reason is that in the craving for weight loss, the person also skips a balanced diet. Due to this, the digestive process gets affected and has a bad effect on the liver.
Gastric bypass surgery - According to experts, fatty liver problems are seen in the patient after gastric bypass surgery in many cases.
Intestinal disease - Intestinal disease can also, cause fatty liver problems.
Effect of special drugs - According to experts, some special medicines like calcium channel blockers, painkillers, and cancer drugs can cause fatty liver.


Managing the condition of the fatty liver is crucial to your overall health: A couple of studies published in 2008 show that excess fat in the liver could leave you more vulnerable to cardiovascular disease, in addition to diabetes. Although, medically there is no established treatment for fatty liver, losing weight, dietary changes, and lowering your levels of blood fats could help keep the condition in check.      
There are many ingredients available in your kitchen that can help you in treating fatty liver. Let us know about them in a little detail.


Material Required
  • One to two teaspoon milk thistle tea
  • A cup of hot water
  • Honey (to taste)
How to use
  • Put one or two spoons of milk thistle tea in half a cup of warm water.
  • Leave it like this for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Add a little honey (to sweeten) and drink.
  • Drink this two to three times a day.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
Milk thistle is the most potent remedy for liver-related diseases and has hepato-protective effects. Its regular usage protects from liver damage and inflammation due to alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver. According to experts, a special element called silymarin is found in milk thistle. This element has antioxidant and detoxifying properties, which is proven to be helpful in reducing the risk of cirrhosis of the liver. Milk thistle protects the liver from toxins like amatoxin, a deadly toxin produced by dead cap mushrooms. As per the American Liver Society use of Milk Thistle can restore the normal function and structure of the liver damaged by alcohol abuse or other damaging substance. Thus, it can be said that the use of milk thistle is the proven best natural remedy in relieving fatty liver problems.


Material Required
  • A glass of milk
  • A spoonful of turmeric
How to use
  • Heat the milk first.
  • Add a spoon of turmeric to it.
  • Mix it well.
  • Then drink this milk of turmeric.
  • Repeat this process daily.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
Turmeric is known to be a natural healer for all conditions. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties. These properties found in turmeric help in preventing liver infection and related diseases naturally. In addition, these properties also prove beneficial in oxidative stress, balancing lipids, and improving the insulin process. Therefore, turmeric can be considered helpful in removing all liver disorders. Further, this spice helps in the body's ability to digest fats and prevent their accumulation in the liver. 


Material Required
  • A spoonful of apple cider vinegar
  • A spoonful of honey
  • A glass of hot water
How to use                                                                         
  • Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to get a glass of warm water.
  • After that, add one spoon of honey to it.
  • Mix it well.
  • Now take this mixture.
  • Repeat this process 1 to 2 times a day for two months to see the difference.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
Apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective home remedies for fatty liver disease. It induces weight loss and thereby helps in reducing fat accumulating in the liver. The acetic acid found in abundance in apple cider vinegar works in melting the excess fat present in the body by speeding up the activity of metabolism. Apple cider vinegar also supports healthy liver functioning by reducing inflammation. In addition, the antitoxin properties found in it are helpful in removing the toxic substances present in the liver. For this reason, apple cider vinegar can be considered as an accurate way to get rid of fatty liver.


Material Required
  • Half a lemon
  • A glass of water
How to use
  • Take a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Add lemon juice to it.
  • Drink this lemon mixed water.
  • Take this mixture 1 to 2 times a day.
  • You can also use lemon with salad.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is an effective antioxidant and help the liver produce glutathione. Glutathione promotes detoxification by neutralizing toxins in the liver and also preventing scarring of the liver. According to researchers, the antioxidant property found in lemon is effective to stop the oxidative stress found during the fatty liver. Therefore, it can be said that lemon can be used regularly to reduce the fat accumulated in the liver, thereby treating fatty liver disease naturally.


Material Required
  • Two gooseberry
  • A glass of water
  • A spoonful of honey
How to use
  • Take out gooseberry seeds and cut them into pieces.
  • Put gooseberry pieces and water in the grinder and grind them well.
  • Then filter it and separate it.
  • Mix one spoon of honey and drink it.
  • This process can be repeated 1 to 2 times a day.
  • You can also eat raw gooseberry or gooseberry jam directly.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
According to experts, gooseberry has some properties, which work to increase the protein that is helpful to the liver. These auxiliary proteins help to reduce liver risks by speeding up lipid-related metabolism. Gooseberry is rich in vitamin C, which ensures the proper functioning of the liver and the removal of toxins from the liver. Therefore, it is believed that the use of gooseberry can be a better option to get rid of the problem of fatty liver.

  • Two bitter gourd
  • Lemon juice (as required)
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 glass of water
How to use
  • Cut the bitter gourd into small pieces.
  • Remove the seeds from these pieces and separate them.
  • Now apply salt on these pieces so that their bitterness can be reduced.
  • Leave it like this for half an hour.
  • After this, put the bitter gourd in a grinder or juicer and grind it well.
  • Sieve the paste prepared later with the help of a cloth or sieve.
  • Mix lemon juice and salt in it and drink.
  • Repeat this process once daily.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
According to experts, bitter gourd has miraculous properties to prevent inflammation and oxidative stress. It also has the ability to control lipids that aids in the development of the fatty liver. Therefore, it can be used to treat a fatty liver.


Material Required                                                          
  • 8 to 10 Wheat Grass
  • A glass of water
How to use
  • Put the wheatgrass and water in the grinder and grind it well.
  • Sieve it later with the help of a cotton cloth.
  • Now drink it immediately.
  • Keep in mind, do not add lemon or salt to it at all.
  • Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a day.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
Research conducted by experts has found that the antioxidant properties present in the wheatgrass can prove beneficial for patients struggling with fatty liver problems. In addition, research has also found that the use of wheatgrass can prove to be very beneficial in eliminating the problem of the fatty liver caused by alcohol consumption. A research paper published in the journal ‘Phytotherapy Research” in March 2006 found that wheatgrass is helpful in reducing the lipid buildup in the liver of rats. Nutrients of wheatgrass have a liver detoxifying effect.


Material Required
  • A spoonful of flaxseed powder
  • A glass of hot water
  • Lemon juice (to taste)
  • Honey (to taste)
How to use
  • Pour flaxseed powder into hot water.
  • Mix it well
  • Add lemon juice and honey to this mixture as per taste.
  • Then drink it.
  • Drink this mixture 2 to 3 times daily for the best result.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
Linseed contains Omega-3 fatty acids and fibers that help in inhibiting inflammation and attenuate oxidative stress in the liver. In research, experts found that the specific nutrients found in flaxseed seeds could be helpful in controlling the non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) problem. Therefore, it is said that flaxseed seeds can be helpful in treating fatty liver.


Several studies have reported that coffee drinkers with fatty liver disease drinking two or more cups of coffee a day have lesser liver damage than those who do not sip this caffeinated beverage. Caffeine appears to lower the number of abnormal liver enzymes of people at risk for liver diseases. A chemical called paraxanthine is produced when the body digests caffeine, which slows the scarring of liver tissue.  Paraxanthine was found to fight non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic cirrhosis, and liver cancer. Kahweol and cafestol are two chemicals found in coffee that lower incidents of hepatocellular carcinoma. The hepatoprotective effect of coffee is found in filtered, instant, and espresso. So drink at least two cups of coffee daily to keep fatty liver at bay.  


Material Required
  • Half teaspoon (small) licorice or licorice powder
  • Half a cup of hot water
How to use
  • Add the powder of licorice seeds in half a cup of hot water.
  • Leave it like this for 10 minutes.
  • Then filter it and drink it.
  • Repeat this process daily for a week.
  • Then repeat this process after a gap of a few weeks.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
Based on the research conducted in this regard, experts believe that the use of licorice or its seeds can work to relieve the problem of the fatty liver caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties found in it are said to be capable of relieving this problem. Licorice is also known to fight the hepatitis virus.
Note - Use of licorice should be avoided during winter. The reason is its cooling effect. Seek expert advice for more information.


What You Need

  • ·        1 teaspoon of dandelion leaves (crushed and dried)
  • ·        1 cup of boiling water
  • ·        Orange or lemon juice
  • ·        Honey (to taste)
How to use

  • ·        Take the dried leaves in a clean cloth and tie the cloth
  • ·        Dip the cloth with the leaf in the boiling water for 8 minutes.
  • ·        Add honey and squeeze half lemon to test.
  • ·        Take this tea once a day
  • ·        Freshly cut dandelion leaves can be also used as a salad
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
Dandelion roots are regarded as liver tonic for a long time. It is believed that dandelion root tea can detoxify the liver and relieves the symptoms of fatty liver. According to a recent study (2017), some polysaccharides present in dandelion are beneficial for liver function. Another study suggests that flavonoids present in the dandelion leaf are effective in alleviating fatty diet-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.


Material Required                                                                                          
  • Five to six pieces of papaya
  • Half glass of milk
How to use
  • Pour the papaya pieces into the grinder with milk.
  • Let it mix well.
  • Then drink the prepared shake.
  • Repeat this process daily.
Note - You can use papaya pieces directly for eating.

Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
Dietary fats are one of the major causes of fatty liver disease. According to Ayurveda, enzymes present in papaya helps to burn off this dietary fat. Both the pulp and the seeds of the papaya fruit are effective in burning these dietary fats. Therefore, fatty liver disease can be naturally prevented with papaya.


Material Required
  • A spoonful of green tea
  • Two cups of water
How to use
  • First, put two cups of water in the pan and keep it to a boil.
  • Once it comes to a boil, add one teaspoon of green tea to it.
  • Once again, wait for it to boil.
  • Turn off the gas after boiling and filter the green tea in a cup.
  • Add half a teaspoon of honey to it for sweetness.
  • Green tea can be consumed 2 to 3 times a day to keep fatty liver disease at bay.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
Green tea contains high-density catechins that prevent fat accumulation and improve liver functioning in people suffering from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.  At the same time, the most important and special are polyphenols (organic chemicals) found in them. According to experts, these polyphenols found in it can be helpful in reducing all liver-related risks. Research findings support that green tea can block the amount of fat stored in the liver and improve its functioning as well. Therefore, green tea can be used to treat a fatty liver. It also lowers cholesterol and aids in sleep.


Material Required
  • A piece of ginger
  • A cup of hot water
  • Honey (as per taste)
How to use                    
  • Put a piece of ginger in a cup of hot water.
  • Leave it like this for five to ten minutes.
  • Add honey as per taste to reduce the bitterness of ginger.
  • Drink honey after mixing it well.
  • Take this three to four times a day.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
According to experts, ginger has powerful antioxidant and hypolipidemic (fat breaker) effects. Ginger also acts as insulin sensitize and thus fights diabetes. It is therefore believed that this effect may prove beneficial in treating nonalcoholic fatty liver.


Material Required
  • Two tomatoes
How to use
  • Tomatoes can be used as a salad.
  • It can also be eaten directly by cutting tomato pieces.
  • Include this when preparing foods.
  • It can also be used by making soup or ketchup.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
According to experts, the use of lycopene, an important red pigment found in tomatoes, is helpful in curing the inflammation and damage in the liver by the use of alcohol. For this reason, it is suggested that the use of tomatoes proves beneficial in eliminating the problem of alcoholic fatty liver.
Note - Experts believe that the use of tomatoes with alcohol consumption may prove harmful.           


Material Required
  • Four pieces of onion
How to use
  • Use four pieces of onion with food in the morning and evening.
  • Include onion in preparing any normal diet.
  • It can also be used by making a salad with food.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
According to Disabled World, onion contains a sulfur-containing compound called allicin that supports liver detoxification and is able to reduce the risk of fatty liver. The best benefit of allicin can be drawn when finely crushed or chopped. Therefore, the consumption of onion is effective in the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

17. ALOE VERA IN FATTY LIVER                    

Material Required                                                                                
  • Two fresh leaves of aloe vera
  • Half glass of water
  • Salt (as per taste)
How to use
  • Separate the pulp from the fresh leaves of aloe vera.
  • Pour it into the grinder and add half a glass of water to it.
  • Grind it well.
  • Add salt as per taste to the prepared juice and drink it.
  • Repeat this process daily.
Benefits in Fatty Liver Disease
According to experts, aloe vera has hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar) and anti-obesity (anti-obesity) properties. Research on these same properties confirmed that regular use of aloe vera might be helpful in relieving fatty liver problems.


Talking about the use of fruits in the problem of fatty liver, its use can prove to be helpful in getting rid of this problem. The reason is that dietary fibers found in fruits are helpful in relieving obesity. In the article, you have already been told that obesity is considered a major risk factor for fatty liver. In such a situation, controlling obesity by using fruits can be relieved to a large extent by the problem of fatty liver.
After knowing the fatty liver-related home remedies, we will now talk about the treatment of fatty liver.


Talking about fatty liver treatment, no definitive medicine or treatment has been found so far. The doctor can only provide information on how to avoid this problem. At the same time, you may be advised to have an operation or liver transplant in case the problem increases, as these are the only options left at the last stage. Let us know through some points the remedies that the physician is advised to adopt during fatty liver treatment.
  • If drinking alcohol etc., stop or reduce its use.
  • Control your intake by adopting methods to reduce increased cholesterol.
  • If you are overweight then try to lose weight.
  • Physical activity may be advised.
  • It may be advisable to avoid some mines.
  • Do not stop eating or eating during the cycle of weight loss, otherwise, the risk may increase.
  • If you are a sugar patient, you may be advised to take medications that control it.
  • If you are not diabetic and have trouble with non-alcoholic fatty liver problems, vitamin E may be advised.
  • Dietary advice can be given, which can be relieved in the problem of fatty liver.
We will talk about the diagnosis of this problem after learning about fatty liver treatment.
Now let us talk about exercise to get relief from fatty liver problems.


As discussed earlier, a sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical activities is an important contributing factor to fatty liver disease. Being overweight also contributes to the accumulation of fat in the liver. Losing at least 10 percent of the bodyweight is found to improve the condition of fatty liver disease.  
Engage in some form of physical workout every day to reverse this. Any form of physical workout can be helpful in controlling fatty liver disease naturally; go for a walk, do yoga, jog, run, or jump rope. Spare 30 minutes from your busy schedule for your workouts. At first start with low-impact workouts and then gradually move on to the high-impact exercises. It is better to start under expert guidance. Regular exercise will assist in speeding up your metabolism effectively and help you to maintain proper liver function. It will be more effective for your fatty liver if you couple your workout with a healthy and balanced diet.
Research in this regard found that low-intensity exercise (aerobics) with high intensity exhibits signs of improvement in fatty liver dysfunction. On the other hand, if more exercises (aerobics) are done with less intensity, then it also has a better effect than before. In this regard, conclusions and niches can be said that aerobics can help relieve fatty liver problems compared to other exercises.


Some of the measures to avoid fatty liver are as follows.
  • Reduce obesity by taking care of physical nutrition.
  • Reduce the amount of triglyceride increased through both diet and medication.
  • Stay away from alcohol.
  • Control diabetes problem.
  • Use a balanced and healthy diet.
  • Pay attention to physical activity.
  • Keep in touch with your doctor constantly.
Now you must have known about the problem, symptoms, and treatment of fatty liver. In the article, you have been told about several home remedies to get rid of this problem. At the same time, detailed ways to diagnose and prevent it have been suggested to you through the article. In such a situation, if you are also struggling with the problem of fatty liver and are looking for ways to get rid of it, then read all the information given in the article thoroughly and then implement them. Hope this article helps you in getting relief from a fatty liver problem. 
For any other types of suggestions and questions on this topic, you can connect with us through the comment box below.

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Disclaimer: Only generic information is provided in this content and this is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult your own doctor or a specialist for more information. HEALTHY and FITNESS do not claim responsibility for this information.


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