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Surprising Health Benefits Of Laughter Laughing is healthy: it has been scientifically proven that the cerebral cortex releases electrical impulses within a second after starting to laugh, expelling negative energy from our body. We all love to laugh, but its benefits go far beyond just making us feel good. Laughter improves our health.

Why Folic Acid Is Important Before And During Pregnancy?

Folic Acid During pregnancy
Benefits of Folic Acid Before and During Pregnancy
Folic acid is a nutrient that every pregnant is recommended to take. It has also been proved in one study that women who consume folic acid from one year before conception reduce their risk of premature delivery by 50 percent.
However, there are various questions in the mind of women about taking folic acid in pregnancy, such as how much it should be taken, for how long. In this article of HEALTH and FITNESS, we will try to answer most of the questions related to folic acid during pregnancy.

In this article
        What is Folic Acid?
        Frequently Asked Questions

First, let us know what folic acid is.


Folic acid is a type of vitamin-B (also known as vitamin B9). It is naturally available in foods as folate. It helps in the formation of new cells and nucleic acids in the body. Lack of it may increase the risk of multiple birth defects in the fetus. This is why doctors also recommend taking folic acid supplements when needed.

Let us now know why it should be taken during pregnancy.


 1.  Prevent Neural Tube Defects:
This protects the child from nervous system defects such as 'spina bifida' and neurological diseases. 'Spina bifida' is one of the serious problems in the womb during the formation of a fetus. Folic acid prevents the development of neural tube defects (neural tube defect-NTD) in your unborn baby such as spina bifida. Spina bifida occurs when the protective layer that develops around the spinal cord of an unborn baby does not close properly and gaps in it. This can cause permanent damage to the nerve and can sometimes be a cause of paralysis. Let us tell you that about one in a thousand children are born with neural tube defects.
2.  Make Red Blood Cells:
Folate helps in the formation of red blood cells in the body. Since anemia is common during pregnancy, folic acid in combination with vitamin B 12 makes healthy red blood cells. Thus, Red Blood Cell levels remain normal and prevent the risk of anemia. Therefore, folic acid intake is necessary to avoid anemia in both mother and fetus. However, the second type of anemia, which is caused by iron deficiency, is more common.

3.  Protects The Child From Many Complications:
Consuming folic acid prevents other birth defects such as cleft lips or cleft palate. In addition, it also reduces the risk of premature birth, miscarriage and loss of weight at birth.

4.  Beneficial For The Pregnant:
Consuming sufficient folic acid can prevent problems such as heart problems, cancer and preeclampsia.

5.  Development Of The Placenta:
Folic acid is essential for DNA production and function. In addition, it also helps in the development of the placenta (placenta).
Next, we are telling when and how much folic acid should be consumed.  


If you are considering pregnancy or are in the first trimester of pregnancy, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 400 mcg or 0.4 mg of folic acid supplementation daily.
Here we are telling how much quantity of folic acid doctors recommends during pregnancy:
  • It is advisable to take 400 micrograms of folic acid before conceiving.
  • It is advisable to take 400 micrograms of folic acid even during the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • 600 micrograms of folic acid can be taken during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.
  • In addition, 500 micrograms of folic acid may be given to breastfeeding women.
However, the folic acid content in the supplements available varies. Therefore, it is better that you also contact your doctor once to know about the amount of folic acid. Keeping in mind what types of supplements are available in your area, the doctor will prescribe the most appropriate supplement for you.  It is possible that doctors recommend you to take folic acid as well as other necessary supplements.
This supplement should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. It needs to be taken for the first three months of pregnancy, although in some cases the doctor may ask you to take it throughout pregnancy.


You should start taking folic acid if you are planning to become mother or are in the first trimester of pregnancy. There is a high risk of developing birth defects in the first trimester of pregnancy, so doctors recommend consuming folic acid from the time of trying to conceive.

Folic Acid before Pregnancy

If you are planning for pregnancy, then start including a diet rich in folic acid in your diet. It helps in conception because folic acid helps in increasing the production of eggs in the female reproductive system. Thus, folic acid increases fertility in women and the chance of getting pregnant.

Folic Acid for Pregnancy during pregnancy

Folic acid is very important for the mother and the unborn child during pregnancy. Doctors also advise women to take folic acid supplements at this time. It is essential for properly absorbing nutrients as well as for the formation of red blood cells that carry oxygen to every parts of the body. Consuming it also reduces the risk of miscarriage.

You may need to take a high dose of folic acid supplement in the following situations:

  1. Your first baby has a neural tube defect (NTD). This is because your other babies are also at greater risk of having this defect.
  2. If you are taking any other prescribed medicines, such as epilepsy medicines. This is because these drugs can hinder the absorption of folic acid in the body. If you have epilepsy and you want to become a mother, talk to your doctor about it.
  3. You are overweight and body mass index (BMI) is over 25. High BMI women are likely to have low levels of folate in their blood.
  4. You have diabetes. This increases the risk of neural tube defects in your baby.
Along with daily supplementation, you also need to eat a diet full of folate because supplements can never completely make up for unhealthy or low diet.


It is advisable to consume folic acid from 12 weeks before conception to 12 weeks after conception. In addition, doctors decide on your physical condition whether you should take folic acid even after 12 weeks. In some cases, the doctor may also ask to take these supplements during the entire pregnancy. Therefore, you should consume folic acid in the right amount on the advice of a doctor.
Next we are telling what can happen if folic acid is not taken.


Lack of folic acid during pregnancy can cause a pregnant to be at risk of anemia. In such a situation, the pregnant may notice symptoms like loss of appetite, faded body color, lack of energy, fatigue always, headache, and diarrhea. This can cause irritation in the nature of the pregnant. Fatigue and weakness symptoms are the same symptoms of folic acid deficiency anemia and iron deficiency anemia. A partial deficiency of folate can also make you feel irritable or stressed.
This can also cause you digestive problems such as diarrhea (diarrhea), loss of appetite, weight loss, tongue blisters, headache, excessive heartbeat, irritability, forgetfulness, or other practical problems.

A quick check of Folic acid deficiency symptoms:
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anemia
  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Lack of proper development
  • Tongue blisters
Most of these symptoms are common and can also be caused by other medical conditions or illnesses. If you have any concerns about your health and diet, talk to your doctor. She may recommend you visit a dietitian. If you do not have excessive folate deficiency in your body, you may not notice any symptoms, but your baby's development can definitely be affected. Therefore, keep taking folic acid regularly.

Let us now know which foods are found in folate.


Doctors recommend pregnant women to eat foods rich in folate to supply folic acid. There are many foods in which folate are found in abundance. At the same time, if the doctor finds it necessary, he can ask the pregnant to take folic acid supplements. Along with daily supplementation, you also need to eat a diet full of folate because supplements can never completely make up for an unhealthy diet.

Ø Green Vegetables
Green vegetables are the best diet in pregnancy. Rich in iron, antioxidants, and folic acid, these vegetables are beneficial for reproductive organs. Eat spinach or radish leaves daily. Include corn, broccoli, turnips, lettuce, mustard greens, and okra in your diet.
Ø The Fruit
You can easily take folic acid from fruits. Drink one glass of orange juice a day. Grapes contain vitamin A, folate, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium, which are beneficial in pregnancy.
Ø Whole Grains
Whole grains are also a good source of folic acid. Take oatmeal and whole-grain bread for breakfast. If you wish, you can also eat whole-wheat pasta. Oats contain fiber, vitamin B, iron, and many minerals. Take one bowl of oats during the day.
Ø Eggs
Egg intake in pregnancy is very beneficial for the daily dietary requirement of folic acid. Eating protein-rich eggs keeps both mother and baby healthy. The choline present in it develops the infant's brain.
Ø Bean Sprout
In addition to folic acid, sprouted beans are also rich in fiber, vitamin B-1, and vitamin C. Do include this in your diet.

Some Folic Acid-Rich Foods for Pregnancy

Many foods contain folic acid. You should try to include these in your diet. These foods include green leafy vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens, radish leaves, lentils, nuts such as walnuts and beans. You may prepare different recipes with folic acid rich vegetables and fruits, which will help you to include these foods in your diet in different ways. You can check our pregnancy diet chart for more suggestions. According to these diet charts, the fruits, vegetables, and dishes rich in nutrients are needed according to each stage of pregnancy.

Below we are giving the names of the foods which are rich folate and sufficient to fulfill the requirement of folic acid in pregnant women. Some of these you can cook to eat and some can be eaten raw.
·        Half cup boiled Spinach - 131 mcg
·        Half cup boiled Cowpea - 105 mcg
·        Half cup Green peas - 47 mcg
·        Half Cup Kidney Beans - 46 mcg
·        ¾ cup Orange juice - 35 mcg
·        Half cup raw Avocado - 59 mcg
·        Half cup boiled Broccoli - 59 mcg
·        One cup raw Spinach - 58 mcg

CAUTION: You should try not to overcook foods rich in folate, as it is a soft vitamin. Essential vitamins are destroyed when cooked for a long time. If you are cooking them, cover it well in less water, so that the folate remains intact and is not destroyed. You can cook them on light heat. You can also eat them raw.

Apart from these, we will try to answer any questions related to folic acid during pregnancy.


Which folic acid pills are good before or during pregnancy?
There are some brands, which are known for supplements of folic acid. Do not take any medicines or supplements by yourself without a doctor's advice.
Does taking folic acid help when you are trying to get pregnant?
Folic acid increases fertility during pregnancy attempts, which increases the chances of conception. Apart from this, it also helps in the formation of red blood cells, which gives you other health-related benefits.

What amount of folic acid should be taken during twin pregnancy?
A pregnant requires one thousand mcg of folic acid daily for twin pregnancies.

Does consuming folic acid during pregnancy can cause diarrhea?
Yes, sometimes folic acid intake can cause a woman to complain of diarrhea. In this case, drink as much water as possible to avoid dehydration. At the same time, contact the doctor immediately.

Are prenatal vitamins and folic acid the same?
Prenatal vitamins contain folic acid. If the doctor feels that you need extra folic acid, then they recommend taking supplements of excess folic acid.

Does the intake of folic acid increase the chances of twin pregnancy?
No, intake of folic acid does not increase the chances of a twin pregnancy. How many babies will be in your womb has no relation with any kind of supplements.

Is excess folic acid harmful during pregnancy?
Yes, more folic acid can increase your child's risk of autism (brain development disorder), obesity, and insulin resistance.

You have learned how important folic acid is during pregnancy. If it is not consumed regularly, the child may be at risk of many birth defects. We hope that you have got answers to all the questions related to the intake of folic acid during pregnancy. If you still have any other questions related to this, then please ask us in the comment box given below. We will try to answer all your questions. Also, do not forget to share this article with women who are pregnant or who are trying to conceive.


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