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Surprising Health Benefits Of Laughter Laughing is healthy: it has been scientifically proven that the cerebral cortex releases electrical impulses within a second after starting to laugh, expelling negative energy from our body. We all love to laugh, but its benefits go far beyond just making us feel good. Laughter improves our health.

18 Early Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period: PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS

Symptoms Of Pregnancy

A pregnant woman's body gives some signals and through several signs and symptoms that any woman can easily find out whether she is going to become a mother or not. Although there are many types of devices and medicines in the market, through which you can easily detect pregnancies, sometimes these devices can also give false information. Therefore, if a woman wants to determine her pregnancy by herself, then we are going to tell you in detail about such changes in her body, through which she can know that she is now going to become a mother.  

Every woman dreams of becoming a mother in her life. The happiness of a new guest coming to the home is for a family, while a woman finds herself complete after becoming a mother. However, when it comes to a woman's mind to become a mother, the first thing that comes to her mind is how to know about pregnancy. When there is no period in the scheduled date of a month, often women are caught in a circle of questions on this occasion. Am I pregnant? Would it be okay to go to the doctor now? What to do? Whom should I ask? No one else but your body can help you find answers to these questions. Now you must be thinking, how is that? All the symptoms that appear during pregnancy will help you in this problem. Just need to know and feel those symptoms.

When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start?

There is no fixed time for when these early signs and symptoms of pregnancy will be noticed. Onset of these symptoms varies from women to women, for some women  the first early signs of pregnancy may appear a week or two after conception, while others will feel symptoms in four or five weeks after missing the period. Shortly after conception, when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus, you may have a mild feeling of being pregnant. It usually occurs within 10 days of conception. Not all these signs of pregnancy experienced at the same time. Every woman are different and experiences these pregnancy symptoms differently.

However, the information about conceiving also brings with it a variety of physical changes and problems. If all the necessary preparations are started from the first month of pregnancy, then all the problems related to pregnancy can be reduced largely. Due to a lack of accurate information about these changes, many times pregnant women become nervous or stressed. However, if pregnant women see the following symptoms in the first month of pregnancy, then they should not panic at all.
1.     Missing Menstruation Period:
This is the most obvious symptom of pregnancy. A healthy woman has menstruation every month. The first symptom of pregnancy is that any woman's menstruation stops after pregnancy. If your menstrual period is usually regular and this time it has not arrived on time, then you will probably do a pregnancy test before you see any other symptoms. Missing menstruation is one of the surest signs of pregnancy. However, if your menstrual period is often irregular or you are skeptical about the date of your next menstrual period, you will not feel a delay in your period. In such cases, sensitive breasts, nausea, and frequent urination maybe some of the earliest signs of getting pregnant. Periods are also usually halted in early pregnancy. In fact, once a woman becomes pregnant, progesterone hormone starts to form in her body. Menstruation stops due to this hormone. If you are menstrual-cycle is normally 28 days and you have not had a period of one week, it would mean that you have a pregnancy of 5 weeks. This does not mean that the menstrual period has stopped for just this reason, but it is necessary to stop during normal pregnancy. The cycle of periods also sometimes becomes imbalanced due to fatigue or anxiety. 

     2.     Bleeding or Spotting:
You may be wondering how bleeding can be a sign of pregnancy. This is one of the early signs of pregnancy and called implantation bleeding. A pregnant woman may have spotting about six to 12 days after conception, when the egg is fertilized in the uterus, burrows deep into the lining of your uterus, the pregnant woman may experience mild bleeding, irritation and may experience body cramps. The developing placenta can also cause it. A week after conceiving, both these symptoms can appear in the body of a pregnant woman. You may or may not encounter it, as implantation spotting occurs in about 25 percent of women. However, be sure to tell your doctor about any bleeding as a precaution as mid-cycle bleeding can be a sign of a medical condition. 
      3.     Cramping:
Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy
Mild cramping of the tummy is normal and one of the early signs of pregnancy. Cramping generally noticed when the uterus expands prepares itself to carry the baby. The ligaments and muscles stretch to supports the uterus. These are the normal physical changes the female body undergoes to carry the baby. Many get panic about these cramps, as they fear getting a miscarriage. However, mild cramping in the pelvis region that is symmetrical and usually in the center above the pubic bone might be normal in early pregnancy. It is difficult to distinguish between early pregnancy cramps and menstruation cramps. Early pregnancy cramp is mild and temporary, but if you feel intense pain consult your gynecologist.   

HOW TO STOP PERIOD PAIN: 11 - Period Pain Home Remedy

Period pain relief remedies are very easy to get at our home, so that it is not so hard to stop period pain fast.Menstrual periods can be quite uncomfortable and cause pain before or during the period. Many women also experience difficulties at work during their menstrual cycle.

      4.     Morning Sickness During Pregnancy:
The beginning of the day is very cumbersome in pregnancy. Waking up in the morning feels weakness and nausea. Morning sickness is medically termed as hyperemesis gravidarum. At times, eating something causes vomiting. According to experts, ‘Morning Sickness’, the problem of nausea and vomiting, is found in 80 percent of pregnant women and is one of the confirmatory signs of pregnancy. All this begins from 2 weeks to 8 weeks and gets resolved by the 12th to 14th week of pregnancy. You may vomit or just feel nauseous. Despite its name 'morning sickness, it can happen to you at any time in the morning, day or night. High levels of estrogen and fluctuation of blood pressure are supposed to be the cause of this condition. To tackle the problem of morning sickness experts suggest nibbling some crackers before getting out of bed, eating frequent small meals, drinking ginger tea, taking vitamin B12 and B6 supplements, or gingering tablets. Although mild symptoms of morning sickness do not harm the mother or fetus excess vomiting may cause electrolytic imbalance, malnutrition, and excessive straining of vital organs and needs medical attention.               

     5.     Mood Swing:
During the first month of pregnancy, there is a lot of fluctuation in the behavior of the pregnant woman. This fluctuation is due to hormonal changes occurring in the pregnant woman's body. During pregnancy, hormone levels in the body increase rapidly due to increasing amounts of estrogen and progesterone in your blood. These increased hormone levels can affect your mood. During this time, the pregnant woman's mood constantly changes, as if she can get irritated over anything or she may cry unnecessarily. Sometimes something looks good, sometimes she hates the same thing. Women may be more depressed or anxious than usual. If you are, feeling extremely upset or feel like doing something bad, talk to your doctor immediately.

      6.     Body Temperature Rise:
When pregnant, the body temperature often remains above the normal temperature. If you are monitoring your body temperature every day, then you can understand this change. Although the body temperature of women increases even during menstruation, if the body temperature is increased for 10 to 18 days after menstruation, then it is also a symptom of conception. In this regard, a gynecologist says that during pregnancy, the body temperature increases by 0.5 centigrade. Do not confuse it with fever and do not take fever medicine. Your temperature will remain elevated throughout the pregnancy.

     7.     Sensitive And Swollen Breasts:
Symptoms of pregnancy
In the first month of pregnancy, a pregnant woman's breasts become hard and they have mild pain. This is a very common symptom. Your breasts may feel very sensitive after touching the sixth week of pregnancy. It feels the same way as it feels before menstruation starts. During this time, there may be some swelling in the breasts of the pregnant woman. Actually, the tissues of the breast are very sensitive to hormones. With conception, hormonal changes begin in the body, which leads to swelling or heaviness in the breast. Your breasts may look slightly swollen and blue veins become visible from the skin. Sensitivity is most common in the first trimester and decreases as pregnancy progresses. Because pregnancy hormones increase the blood supply to the breasts, you may feel a burning sensation around the nipple. It can be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and sometimes it is detected within about a week of conception.

Diet For Breastfeeding Mothers To Increase Milk: BEST FOOD FOR NEW MOMS

Breast-feeding is a natural way of nourishing your newborn baby with all essential nutrients that facilitate his/her growth and development. Breastfeeding also helps build the baby's immune system. A lactating mother shares her nutrients with baby through her milk. All mothers wish to give the best of everything to their babies.

      8.     Change In Color Of Nipple:
During this time, you may also notice a change in the nipple. Skin changes are also common in pregnancy. The first change you can see is that the color of the rounded skin (areola) near your nipple is getting darker and grows bigger. This can happen after eight weeks. Melanocytes (a type of skin cells) are affected by the surge in Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormones that occur during pregnancy. This means that it affects the cells that produce melanin that is responsible for the color of the nipple. This is why the color of the nipple becomes darker when conceived. Little bumpy structures present in the areola called Montgomery tubercles become more pronounced and glands present in them secrets oils to lubricate the nipple once the baby is here and ready to nurse.  You may notice small rashes around the nipple and the nipples may appear to be tighter and tighter. 

     9.     Feeling Fatigue and Sleepy:
In the first month of pregnancy, a pregnant woman may feel tired without doing anything. Your body prepares itself to support the baby. You feel tired due to the extra demand of nutrition to nourish the fetus, as a result, you feel sleepy. During this time, you may feel tired and you may prefer to sit or lie down than usual.  Therefore, do not take this symptom as work fatigue. Include mineral and iron-rich foods in your diet. This will reduce fatigue. Feeling fatigued and sleepy is due to the surge of progesterone in women during pregnancy. However, fatigue is not a definite symptom in itself. It is a common symptom of pregnancy. You will feel that fatigue affects you the most in the first and third trimesters.

     10.     Frequent Urination:
A pregnant woman may have the problem of frequent urination in the first month of pregnancy. It may not be one of the early signs of pregnancy but frequent urination one of the definitive symptoms of pregnancy. This generally starts after two weeks of conception. When a woman is pregnant, the kidneys become more active, due to which the toilet has to go repeatedly. In this stage, the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Hormone is produced in the body, which increases the blood flow in the lower abdomen. During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases overall and 25 percent of this increased flood is flowing through the kidney, which means kidneys are filtering excess fluid and producing more urine. As a result, urination is relatively high.

     11.     Change In Urine Color:
Whenever women get pregnant, they first start changing their urine. In fact, when women are pregnant, their kidneys are not able to filter the urine properly and due to this, the color of their urine changes and it starts turning yellow. The yellow color of urine is the first sign of pregnancy. You need to drink even more water when you are pregnant than you did pre-pregnancy. Even if you believe you are consuming a lot, you may not be drinking enough. During severe morning sickness or hyperemesis gravidarum causes excessive vomiting and that can make you severely dehydrated. In the first trimester, about 1 in every 200 pregnant women experience dehydration. Although yellow urine is quite common during pregnancy, dark color urine may also occur due to urinary tract infection (UTI). If you have burning or pain while urinating, you may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTI if left untreated may cause a kidney infection, which is very serious in pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about this.
     12.     Dizziness:
Feeling lightheaded and dizziness is another common symptom of pregnancy. Although not every woman experiences dizziness, many expecting mothers feel faint or dizzy. This happens due to a combination of many factors like hormonal changes, change in blood pressure, and lowering of blood sugar during pregnancy. Dizziness and lightheartedness are felt during the 10th and 12th weeks of pregnancy. Dizziness may also be felt in late pregnancy as the uterus increases in size and compress the blood vesicles, restricting the blood flow. If you think you are going to fall due to dizziness do not ignore this type of sign and consult a doctor immediately.    

     13.  Heightened Sense of Smell:
In the first month of pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body, the pregnant woman's ability to smell is increased. It can be a symptom of pregnancy. In this case, estrogen hormones can heighten your ability to smell. This smell could be of anything like food, drink, toiletries that become more (or less) appealing. Pregnant women may find that obnoxious smells are more intense than usual, and odors that you once loved may now become unpleasant. This heightened sense of smell is actually an early sign that you are expecting. Many women are also troubled by the bitter taste of the mouth, while some get upset with the smell of something special such as milk, eggs, or tea and start avoiding such food. It is usually more visible in the first trimester of pregnancy. After some time it also recovers on its own. Scientists assume that this heightened sense of smell can trigger morning sickness in some women.

     14.     Understand The Signs Of Constipation:
Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy
Women often experience constipation and gas before pregnancy. The main symptoms of pregnancy include constipation. According to experts, this problem usually arises due to increasing levels of progesterone hormone. An increase in this hormone leads to muscle loosening and slows down the functioning of the bowels, slowing down digestion. Because of this, there is a problem with constipation. Apart from this, constipation is also caused due to a low fiber diet, drinking less water, intake of iron tablets and stress, etc. Constipation is considered normal in the first month of pregnancy. In case of problems of gas and constipation, women should understand that they have become pregnant. Actually, the development of a fetus starts in the body of women when pregnant, the growing fetus puts pressure on the abdomen and rectum and slows the bowel movement, due to which constipation and gas problems occur. Therefore, in case of acute constipation, women should see a doctor immediately as the pills sold in the market can harm you and their baby. (Also Read: Best Way to Relieve Constipation Naturally at Home)

     15.     Bloating and Flatulence:
The symptoms of bloating burping and flatulence are common during early pregnancy. Usually shows up in the first trimester of pregnancy, around the 10th or 11th week. This is not because your uterus is growing; this bloating is simply due to hormone changes. The amount of progesterone that the body produces at the beginning of pregnancy relaxes the muscles of the entire body, including the muscles present in the gastrointestinal tract. This dysfunction slows down your digestive process, causing bloating, belching, gas, or uncomfortable sensations in the stomach, especially after eating too much food. Bloating and flatulence are normal symptoms associated with pregnancy and usually go away on their own.

     16.     Excess Hunger:
Craving is also a major symptom of getting pregnant. A pregnant woman's appetite increases suddenly in the first month of pregnancy. Many times, it also happens that during this time the woman's daily diet suddenly increases. She starts to eat a lot of food and she starts getting hungry repeatedly. Pregnancy increases the attraction towards a particular thing and starts eating the same all the time. There is 3 cause of this increased appetite.
a) The growing fetus requires nutrition to develop and grows properly.
b) During gestation, the blood volume increases and the body requires extra
     nutrients and calorie to maintain it.
c) Hunger in the third semester is due to the start of milk production in late
However, this cannot be relied upon simply because it can be a sign of your choice or lack of a particular nutrient in your body. Nevertheless, if you feel cravings for food, then first, see how many days have passed since the due date of your menstrual period. 
     17.     Changes In Food Interest And Choice:
In the first month of pregnancy, there may be a change in the pregnant woman's food habits and choices. She can start eating something she did not like before. During this time, the pregnant woman may feel hungry repeatedly. A craving for a particular food or an aversion to someone can be a symptom of pregnancy. You may not like some food and you may have a craving for something. This can happen in some women quite early or early, even before they miss their menstruation. Some women complain of a metallic taste in the mouth, some unable to tolerate the taste of coffee or the taste of commonly liked food such as eggs.

     18.  Headache Is Also An Early Symptom:
Headache during pregnancy is also a common problem and is one of the major symptoms of early pregnancy. A pregnant woman may complain of headaches due to hormonal changes in the body during early pregnancy. This happens because blood sugar levels drop as both progesterone and estrogen level increase during pregnancy. This fluctuation results in additional load on the brain cells. This causes headaches. The second reason for headaches during pregnancy is the increase in blood flow to the brain. During pregnancy, the blood volume increases by about 50 percent and this increases the blood flow. The symptom of headache gradually gets resolved on its own. However, headaches during late pregnancy, more precisely after 20 weeks may be an indication of some serious problem called pre-eclampsia. Consult your gynecologist before a complication arises. 
If you wish, you can know from these initial symptoms whether you are pregnant or not. It is important to mention that these are just symptoms. It is possible that the symptoms you are seeing are due to some other reason.

3-Tests to Confirm Pregnancy Symptoms

     1.     Home Pregnancy Kit To Confirm Pregnancy.
Buy an over to counter home pregnancy test kit that is easy to use and cost-effective. These pregnancy kits determine the presence of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in the urine. This test is to perform 5-10 days after a missed period i.e. when the hCG hormone is released.  
Steps to use-
• Collect the mid-stream of the first urine after a morning in a clean container.
• Add the urine sample with a clean dropper in the marked pit of the home kit.
• Leave the pregnancy kit undisturbed for the prescribed time. Check and interpret the result by using the instruction manual.
     2.     Blood Test For Pregnancy Hormone
After conception, the presence of the pregnancy hormone, human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is also found in the blood. You can also go for a blood test to detect the level of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in your body. This test gives more confirmatory information about pregnancy. Your doctor may ask you to do a series of blood tests for a period.
     3.     Trans Vaginal Ultrasound
Trans Vaginal Ultrasound can be performed after 6 to 7 weeks of missing the menstrual period. This test not only confirms pregnancy but also gives information about the location, position, and number of fetuses.  

Take care and enjoy your motherhood. Also, do not forget to share this article with women who are pregnant or who are trying to conceive.

How Your Saliva Can Help You Get Pregnant? Best Time To Conceive A Baby And Fern Test

To get pregnant fast: If you wish to conceive, have relations as soon as you see the fertile ferning and continue until it passes back to the infertile dot pattern. Begin having sex within twenty-four hours after the FERN TEST says you will ovulate within a week, and continue for the remaining six days.


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