Does Itching Wound Indicate Sign of Healing? Everyone must have been hurt whether it is a small cut, laceration, or even a post-operative wound. In addition to causing pain, often the wound will cause itching. Research over the years has shown that wounds, both large and small, tend to itch when healing . Then, the myth that circulates, the condition of the itchy wound indicates that the wound will heal soon. Is it true that the itchy wound indicates that it wants to heal? Check out the following facts. Why Do Scabs Itch? You have sensitive nerves under your skin, which reacts whenever there is irritation on your skin. This can be something simple like an insect crawling on your skin or more complex like a healing wound. Usually, the itching sensation on the scar occurs as a result of physical stimulation, chemical stimulation, and also nerve regeneration or repair processes. 1. ...