Chiropractic vs Physical Therapy Both chiropractic treatment and physiotherapy disciplines are very important for physical rehabilitation and solve ailments in different parts of the body, but they are specialized in treating different pathologies. Injuries, discomfort and musculoskeletal pathologies, that is, all those that affect the bones, muscles and ligaments of the body, are among the ailments with the highest incidence in the population and, in fact, are the first cause of sick leave. There is countless pathology, as well as rehabilitation processes after surgery or an accident, which require the intervention of professionals of the human locomotors system. Some of them to mention here are tendinitis, osteoarthritis , low back pain , dislocations, fractures, muscle breaks, contractures, sciatica , herniated discs, and plantar fasciitis. Preserving the health of our bones , joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons is essential to enjoy both physical and emotional ...