Keto Diet The keto diet has gained popularity because it promises to lose weight fast by cutting carbohydrates out of the diet, but how healthy is it? Although it started in 1921 and was used mainly to treat epilepsy, later, in the 1970s, it became popular as a method of rapid weight loss. In recent years it has become quite important, as more research has been done on the body's response to this type of diet and on the weight that is lost, which is promising and is a fast way to weight loss. Carbohydrates, present in bread, rice, pasta, cereals, sweets, fruits, potatoes, etc., are the main fuel in our body. They are the preferred choice of the cells of our body when they need energy. The problem is that by consuming more than they need, these carbohydrates very easily become fat tissue and, consequently, make us gain weight. Therefore, there are diets based on suppressing the consumption of these nutrients. One of the most famous is the ketogenic diet ...