Blood group and characteristics of a person There are many ways to find out a person's personality and one of them are by looking at the blood type. In fact, blood type was created as a tool for companies to assess the potential of prospective employees, although this test has not been scientifically proven to be accurate. This concept of belief eventually became the qualification for various elements of life in Japan and South Korea, known as Ketsueki-Gata . In both Japan and South Korea, there is a strong belief that groups A, B, O, and AB determine personality and are an indicator of talent (or lack of it ). Among them are in the world of work, the type of diet , romance, and even the selection of clothes based on blood type. If you go to a job interview in Japan, one of the first questions you will have to answer will be what your blood type is. It is not that they are looking for donors. For the Japanese, blood type defines our personality. T...