How Do You Remove A Fish Bone From Your Throat?
Fish meat is undoubtedly
one of the healthiest foods in the world as it is loaded with important
nutrients such as protein and Vitamin D. It is also the world’s best source of
omega-3 fatty acids, which are incredibly important for the body and the brain. However, care has to be taken while consuming fish, as improper
consumption of fish meat may lead to its bone getting stuck in your throat. This is because of the narrow and thin bones that line the meat. Often,
fish bones can get stuck in the consumer’s throat, piercing the throat in
a manner that needs to be dealt with immediately. Since the bone is quite thin,
it will not pass along the throat easily and can cause irritation as well as
swelling to the region. This can also make the throat swell and get
constricted and thus can be dangerous and must be treated as quickly as
If you face a situation
with a fishbone in your throat then rather getting panic, it is best to follow
the below-given home remedies will surely prove to be of great help:
1. Cough
When the fishbone has
been pierced on your throat the first thing that you need to put in your mind
is to cough because it is a usual reaction of the body. If the thorn is not
actually entirely pierced on your throat, it can be removed by a simple cough. In some cases, heavy coughing
can help dislodge the stuck bone. Coughing also removes the unpleasant feeling on
the throat.
2. Drink Salty Water
If coughing does not work, you should take a glass of lukewarm
water, add a pinch of salt to it, and then sip the mixture. This mixture
of salt and water can dislodge the fishbone from the throat and provide
immediate relief. Taking it lukewarm also provides relief to any injury to your throat.
3. Eat a Mouthful of
Eating a mouthful of
marshmallows is an age-old technique to remove the fishbone from the throat. Fill your mouth with just enough marshmallows to make chewing
possible. Only chew on these marshmallows a little bit and then swallow with water.
Continue drinking the water until the thorn drag down. Since
they have a spongy and thick texture, it tends to get sticky and chewing on it
can help to dislodge the fishbone from its position.
4. Drink Olive Juice
and oil
Another superb way to
remove the fishbone from the throat is to drink some olive juice. For this, you
will first need to boil some olives in water and then drink the obtained juice
while it is still warm. What this does is that it tends to soften the
bone and thus makes it slide down. You can also consider drinking olive oil
which helps to soothe the cut which is caused due to the fishbone.
5. Have Some Banana
It’s a well-known solution to a piercing thorn on your throat. Just simple put a bulky piece of
banana to your mouth and let it stay there for a minute or two in order to
absorb the saliva of your mouth. Then, swallow it and drink a lot of water until
the thorn removes from your throat. This can take the fishbone with it and help to remove it easily and without any pain.
6. Wet
One of the best
solutions, in order to remove the inserted thorn, is swallowing wet bread because
it becomes sticky. All you have to do is to steep a piece of bread in milk,
water, or even oil and directly swallow it. It will eventually remove the thorn
from your throat. It is an old way of removing a piercing thorn. You can also try
to eat different types of bread like sliced bread, dry bread, cornbread, and
hard rolls to remove the fishbone from the throat.
Rice can also assist in
removing the fishbone stick on your throat. If there is sticky rice available to you, take a spoonful of it and
swallow it without chewing. Be careful not to ingest too much of it, or you
might risk choking.
8. Drink Diluted
Another popular method,
which originated in China, is removing fishbone from the throat by drinking
diluted vinegar. The vinegar helps to soften the fishbone and thus
dislodges the stuck fishbone from its place in the throat. However, it is
important to remember that the amount of acetic acid present in the vinegar is
too little to actually soften the bone. The
success of this method has yet to be reported widely, but this is still worth
When to See a Doctor?
If the home remedies fail and your condition is accompanied by the
following symptoms, you should seek immediate help from a doctor:
Even when the home remedies do help you remove the fishbone stuck
in the throat, you'd better pay close attention to the above symptoms and see your
doctor if you have similar discomfort.
Medical Treatment
Medical treatment to remove fishbone stuck in throat works through
a series of steps.
- Firstly, to determine the exact location of the fishbone stuck in
your throat, the medical care provider may carry out an X-ray that involves
ingesting a barium-based liquid. Other methods include a laryngoscopy to have a
look at the back of your throat, a CT scan in extreme cases, and an endoscopy
to determine the level of damage that the fishbone has caused to your
digestive tract.
- When the location is determined, using forceps will usually be the
first method to remove the fishbone. Endoscopy may also be used to remove the
bone in cases where forceps fail to retrieve the bone. In very rare cases,
surgery may be required.
- Once the object has been taken out, some medications may be prescribed, depending on the severity of the lodging of the fishbone in your