
Showing posts from June, 2021

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11 Surprising Health Benefits Of Laughter

Surprising Health Benefits Of Laughter Laughing is healthy: it has been scientifically proven that the cerebral cortex releases electrical impulses within a second after starting to laugh, expelling negative energy from our body. We all love to laugh, but its benefits go far beyond just making us feel good. Laughter improves our health.

11 Surprising Health Benefits Of Laughter

Surprising Health Benefits Of Laughter Laughing is healthy: it has been scientifically proven that the cerebral cortex releases electrical impulses within a second after starting to laugh, expelling negative energy from our body. We all love to laugh, but its benefits go far beyond just making us feel good. Laughter improves our health.

9 Subtle Symptoms Of A Thyroid Problem Hard To Ignore

Subtle Symptoms Of A Thyroid Problem Hard To Ignore Despite, a significant number of people with thyroid deficiency, routine blood tests do not detect thyroid hormone deficiency, leaving patients without an exact explanation for their symptoms.   Problems with estrogen and testosterone, the body's main sex hormones, tend to arouse wide public interest. However, we should pay more attention to a much more common endocrine disorder: abnormal thyroid hormone levels. Thyroid disorders can affect a wide range of bodily functions and lead to a confusing and often misdiagnosed array of symptoms.   Symptoms vary from person to person and can appear slowly so that they are not detected or suddenly. Experts believe that 40 to 60 percent of people with thyroid disease do not know they have it. However, even in subclinical disorders, proper diagnosis and relatively simple treatment of abnormal thyroid levels can improve quality of life.   Functions of Thyroid Gland The thyro...

What Does Your Blood Type Say About Your Personality?

  Blood group and characteristics of a person There are many ways to find out a person's personality and one of them are by looking at the blood type.   In fact, blood type was created as a tool for companies to assess the potential of prospective employees, although this test has not been scientifically proven to be accurate.   This concept of belief eventually became the qualification for various elements of life in Japan and South Korea, known as Ketsueki-Gata . In both Japan and South Korea, there is a strong belief that groups A, B, O, and AB determine personality and are an indicator of talent (or lack of it ). Among them are in the world of work, the type of diet , romance, and even the selection of clothes based on blood type. If you go to a job interview in Japan, one of the first questions you will have to answer will be what your blood type is. It is not that they are looking for donors. For the Japanese, blood type defines our personality.   T...

11 Ways Your Nutritional Needs Change As You Age

Ways Your Nutritional Needs Change As You Age As you get older, it's not just your physical appearance that changes. Nutritional needs also change as the body ages to support these changes. Moreover, you will be more susceptible to disease as you turn old. Even if you have been a healthy dieter, the food you should have had in your 20s, 30s, and 40s, may not have all the nutrients you need today. Experts say that our diet needs to change as we get older. The way they change can surprise you.   Without proper nutrition, quality of life, and health conditions can decline. Therefore, it is important to know what changes in the nutrients needed will occur with age. How Nutritional Needs Changes As We Grow Older   Following these eleven simple tips can help adults stay healthy in all stages of life.   1. Need To Eat Fewer Calories.   As you get older, your daily calorie needs will also decrease. Of course, this may not be the case for most active adults. But if ...

10 Most Common Cause of Allergies and Their Triggers

Most Common Causes of Allergies and Their Triggers An allergic reaction is the immune system 's natural protective mechanism when  the body  is exposed to  a foreign substance . However, allergens appear in excess, causing disturbing symptoms. What exactly is causing the overreaction? Then, who is more prone to allergies? Check out the full review below.