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11 Surprising Health Benefits Of Laughter

Surprising Health Benefits Of Laughter Laughing is healthy: it has been scientifically proven that the cerebral cortex releases electrical impulses within a second after starting to laugh, expelling negative energy from our body. We all love to laugh, but its benefits go far beyond just making us feel good. Laughter improves our health.


anti aging tips
Secret Tips to Stay Young Forever
Nobody wants to look older before their time. But did you know there is a way to slow down the aging process that doesn’t involve black magic and selling yourself to witches?! The key to slow down the aging process lies in eating the right food. This article will explore at 20 best anti-aging foods that will help you stay young for longer.
You always knew that balanced food is good for your overall health. A well-balanced diet can fight disease, reduce your risk of developing the illness, protect your immune system, energize you, and so on. But did you ever stop to think that food can also preserve the youthful, blemish-free glow of your skin so that you stay looking young for as long as possible?
Aging is something we all have to go through at some point. We can’t stop the sands of time, and we can’t turn the clock back ). But what we can do is we can slow down the aging process, so that we don’t look or feel older than we really are.
If you want to stay young and beautiful as long as possible, here are the 20 best anti-aging foods that will help you fight aging. These foods protect your skin, your heart, and even your brain.

Leafy Green Vegetables
Leafy greens vegetables are one of the best anti-aging foods. Not only can you season them for taste, but they also keep you looking beautiful by hydrating your skin. Vegetables like broccoli, kale, and spinach are absolutely stuffed with skin-protecting antioxidants.
Tomatoes are technically a fruit, and they’re just dandy if you’re looking to put the brakes on the aging process.
This is because they’re rich in a pigment called lycopene. You might not have heard of lycopene before, but it’s responsible for the tomatoes’ striking red color. And it’s this pigment that reduces the damage done to your skin by the sun’s UV rays. Sun makes us feel good in the summer, but too much time spent under it can cause really bad skin damage that leaves us looking older than we actually are.
Some people are a bit funny about pomegranates because they have a tendency to get stuck in their teeth. This is true, but we don’t think that’s really a good reason to avoid a fabulous seed that prevents premature aging by warding off skin damage.
If you want to stay looking visibly young for as long as possible, adding pomegranates to your diet. They contain punicalagin, a nutrient that prevents the breakdown of collagen. And collagen is kinda important if you want to look after your skin! You can add pomegranates to your smoothies, to your bowl of oatmeal, or to your cakes. Yummy!
Another great anti-aging food is turmeric, which is technically a spice. If you cook with spices, the chances are high that you’ve already cooked with turmeric. Popular in hot Indian dishes – especially curries – turmeric doesn’t target your skin like a lot of the other foods in this article does. Instead, it keeps you young by looking after your brain. In other words, it reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Tentative research has found that Alzheimer’s may be caused by the buildup of too much plaque in our brain. Because turmeric contains a plaque-fighting compound called curcumin, it might be able to stop that particular possible cause of Alzheimer’s. So add a dash of turmeric to your meals as you cook. You can sprinkle it on your scrambled eggs, add it to your curries, your vegetables, and anything else you can think of.
Oranges are also a part of great anti-aging foods, they reduce visible signs of aging by looking after your skin. Oranges are rich in water, which means they are able to properly quench your skin’s thirst, keeping it hydrated. They also contain lots of vitamin C, a vitamin that’s essential in the production of collagen. And without enough collagen, your skin can start to crack and age really fast.
If you don’t like eggs, it might be time to start trying to fall in love with them. As well as containing lots of beneficial protein, eggs are a great way to protect your eyes from age-related degeneration. It’s all about dat yolk. It’s rich in nutrients that can prevent the development of cataracts.
Avocados are one of the best anti-aging foods ever.
Avocados contain a good type of fat. And this good type of fat looks after your skin, helping it stay hydrated. It also absorbs the nutrients and vitamins needed by your skin.
Nutritionists, health experts, and dieticians all around the world are pretty unanimous when it comes to advising on garlic: They believe you should eat it every day. Garlic is also one of the amazing anti-aging foods, it offers many health benefits, not least its ability to reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease. When it comes to fighting aging, garlic helps by fighting inflammation and reducing cartilage damage done by arthritis.
Rooibos Tea
Rooibos tea – otherwise known as red tea – is rich in polyphenols. In case you didn’t know what these are, polyphenols stop your skin from aging before it’s time. It’s healthier than coffee, and hydrates your skin rather than dehydrates it.
You may not have heard of it before, but we’re pretty sure every major supermarket chain stocks it now. Alternatively, you can find it in a health food store.
Green Tea
If you want to mix things up a bit, or want a tea that packs an even more powerful health kick, try green tea. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and fights skin cell degeneration. In this way, it makes sure you stay looking as young as possible.
Honey is both an antioxidant and anti-viral. People often use it as a face mask because it works wonders for the skin. It also deserves a place in our list of fabulous anti-aging foods.
Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts protect your skin, thereby eliminating any visible signs of aging. 
Brussels sprouts are loaded in folate, and vitamins A and C. Folate can reduce the damage caused to your skin by the sun, as can vitamin A. Vitamin C, meanwhile, helps with the production of collagen, which your skin needs to remain supple and fresh.
You don’t have to boil them like your mom did either. Roast them and coat them in olive oil for flavor.
If we get older and don’t look after ourselves, this will happen. Our heart starts to feel older than it is. To keep yourself feeling young at heart, consider adding strawberries to your diet. Tasty, colorful, and oh so healthy, strawberries are super-rich in the kind of flavonoids your heart is craving.
Another great anti-aging food is salmon. This oily fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which you need as much of as you can. The trouble is that it’s kinda hard to find in food, with salmon being one of the few sources. Omega-3’s are important because they can prevent skin cancer from developing and spreading.
Milk is a funny one because there are many detractors who say that there are better sources of calcium elsewhere. But when it comes to a double punch of calcium and protein, there aren’t many better, tastier, more filling and more convenient sources than a chilled glass of milk.
Calcium strengthens bones. Weak bones become thinned bones, which in turn become a disease called osteoporosis. This is a debilitating disease that generally older people get. Their bones become brittle, and they fracture easily.
Drink milk to stay as strong and physically active for as long as possible.
Despite being the food of choice of idle Greek gods, grapes are often overlooked in health and beauty articles. We can’t understand why, because these delectable little fruits are rich in resveratrol. What does resveratrol do? It lowers inflammation, which is an important battle in the war on aging. Resveratrol also lessens the damage caused to your skin by the sun’s UV rays. 
Another fabulous anti-aging food is watermelon; it nourishes your skin with its vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and water content. It prevents discoloration and wrinkles.
Oatmeal is rich in fiber, a key nutrient that helps to ward off a number of chronic diseases that we generally associate with aging – heart disease, cancer, and respiratory problems in particular.
To really slow down the aging process, add fresh fruit to your bowl of oatmeal, such as strawberries and apples. These two fruits, in particular, are rich in flavonoids (apple is also rich in fiber) and will look after your heart and skin.
Blueberries are also one of the best anti-aging foods. It is rich in antioxidants. In fact, among all fruits, they’re probably the most antioxidant lean. The kind of antioxidants they house fight age by slowing down – or preventing altogether – cognitive decline.
Mixed Nuts
Nuts definitely deserve a place in the list of amazing anti-aging foods. There isn’t really such a thing as a bad nut. But there are certain nuts that prevent age-related diseases better than others.
Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are all your friends right now if you want to stay feeling as young, fresh, and vibrant for as long as possible. They reduce the risk of heart disease, respiratory issues, and cancer. Take a small bag to work with you and pick at them as the day goes along.
What are your favorite anti-aging foods?
Stay happy and healthy!



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