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Surprising Health Benefits Of Laughter Laughing is healthy: it has been scientifically proven that the cerebral cortex releases electrical impulses within a second after starting to laugh, expelling negative energy from our body. We all love to laugh, but its benefits go far beyond just making us feel good. Laughter improves our health.

8 Symptoms Of Emotional Stress That Are Often Ignored

Signs That Indicate You Are Mentally or Emotionally Stressed

 Signs of Emotional Stress that Are Often Unnoticed

Many people do not realize the presence of stress in them. This condition can lead to chronic stress, which is harmful to their physical and mental health. Stress can also trigger various chronic diseases such as heart problems, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, increased blood sugar, and Alzheimer's.  The immune system also gets weakened.  To avoid this impact, we must be more sensitive to our own condition. According to the World Health Organization, many people who suffer from mental stress or emotional stress, at first they do not understand and even after understanding, they hesitate to treat it. It is important to recognize these signs early so that they can monitor and create conditions that are more conducive and balanced for you psychologically.

Stress is a form of psychological reaction that normally occurs when there is an increase in the burden of life, social, work, and so on. Stress arises as a self-warning that the brain is under excessive pressure. Life challenges, interpersonal problems, and difficult social situations can all contribute to the feeling of stress. However, not everyone's stress is bad. Some level of stress is good for a person and can help achieve peak performance and manage minor distress. However, stress can become a 'crisis' when a person faces constant challenges without any relief or relaxation and this stress can cause body wear and deterioration on a physical and psychological level. It only becomes dangerous when the situation becomes permanent and the body cannot break down the stress hormones released.  Before this point is reached, the body shows signs and symptoms of stress. The average stress level of adults in the United States in 2015 was 5.1 on a scale of 1 to 10, as reported by the American Psychological Association (APA). Excess stress can produce both physical and emotional symptoms, but here we will discuss about the emotional signs of stress and how to manage it. Emotional stress can have a significant impact on your day-to-day activities, behavior, and relationships. On an average of 23.9 days of work, the loss is reported for every person suffering from work-related stress. 

Signs That Indicate You Are Mentally or Emotionally Stressed 

Here are some signs of stress that are often overlooked:

1.     Depression:

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) defines depression as a disease in which individual experiences persistent and severe low moods. Research shows both chronic and acute stress has a higher risk of triggering depression. A study published in the journal Depression and Anxiety in August 2009 conducted on 800 female respondents showed a relationship between various types of stress and major depression in individuals. During the study, researchers measured that stressful events contributed to a greater depressive disorder in women. Work stress is also a major contributor to depression in the working population.

How to Overcome: To fix this, we can do the following: Engage in sports and physical activities, which boosts feel-good hormone, called endorphins and benefits depression. Look for support groups that make you feel happy. Practice meditation. If the stress and depression goes out of control, ask for help from a mental health professional

2.     Anxiety:

Anxiety is different from depression. Anxiety is characterized by feelings of extreme fear mixed with sadness. However, like depression, feelings of anxiety can be an indication that someone is experiencing stress, which in the long term can lead to anxiety disorders. Research also shows that people who experience stress due to work tend to have a lot of symptoms of anxiety and depression. A survey by the American Psychological Association’s (APA) 2017 on Stress in America, found that 36 percent of Americans report that stress makes them feel more anxious or nervous.

How to Overcome: To overcome this, you can also practice mind control, practice a healthy lifestyle, and try to be more open with the people closest to the problems you are experiencing. Expressing your feelings in a constructive way makes it easier to face stress and conflict. Set aside time for yourself; Look at your emotional needs, read a book, satisfy yourself, or just relax and be free without worrying about your daily tasks. You can do psychotherapy and drugs recommended by psychologists. 

3.     Anger or Irritable:

Emotional irritability is a common feature of people who experience stress. A study published in the American Heart Journal in January 2015 shows that a high sensibility to anger is closely related to mental stress. According to this study, people who had higher levels of anger were at greater risk of heart attacks due to stress. According to American Psychological Association’s (APA), 35 percent of people are reported to suffer from anger or irritability due to stress.

How to Overcome: The good news is, we can overcome this by trying various strategies to control anger. We can do relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, yoga, or practice mindfulness. Take a deep breath to manage anger. When you feel overwhelmed or come out of a tense meeting and need to clear your mind, try adjusting your breathing for a few minutes to restore balance. Just inhale for five seconds, hold and exhale an equal amount through your nose. This will provide the same amount of calm and focus. Practicing anger management can also help reduce stress in situations that usually leave us frustrated, tense, or angry.

4.     Libido Decreases:

High stress levels can also negatively influence your sex drive and romantic intimacy. A 2014 research has shown that chronic stress levels have a negative impact on sexual arousal. A study entitled “Chronic Social Stress in Puberty Alters Appetitive Male Sexual Behavior and Neural Metabolic Activity " published in the journal Hormones and Behavior shows that high cortisol levels, which are a result of stress, have an effect on lower sexual arousal in men and women.

How to Overcome: To overcome this, we can do relaxation techniques to reduce stress and do sports to increase hormones that encourage feelings of happiness. Increasing communication with your partner can also increase intimacy and restore sexual arousal. Stress is reduced to a great extent by sharing your happiness and sorrow with loved ones and your morale increases.

5.     Impaired Memory And Concentration:

If you feel you are having problems with memory and concentration, you may be experiencing stress. Stress can also reduce memory and concentration skills. Emotional stress causes difficulty to think and remember and these symptoms are often referred to as ‘brain fog’. Research investigating stress response pathways in the brain and their effect on long-term memory has proven this. Two researchers from New York University: Charles Finsterwald and Cristina M. Alberini stated that stress response pathways in the brain have an influence on long-term memory performance. In the research, entitled " Stress and glucocorticoid receptor-dependent mechanisms in long-term memory: from adaptive responses to psychopathologies ", both researchers found that certain hormones after a stressful or traumatic event can damage memory in individuals.

How to Overcome: The good news is, we can overcome this by changing our lifestyle, adopting a healthy diet, and keeping our body and mind active in order to stay focused. Moderate exercise is seen as a way to overcome attention and concentration to stay alert.

6.     Compulsive Behavior:

Are you under compulsion to certain things, even though there is no logical reason behind it? Are you constantly worried about something of something wrong going to happen? Do you follow certain rituals rechecking locks, the stove, or touching certain things? If so, you are under severe stress than you can handle yourself. Chronic stress can change the physical properties of the brain, leading to increased addictive behaviors that have a negative impact on health. In psychological studies, stress hormones in the brain play a major role in the development of addictive behavior.

How to Overcome: Do not worry too much, because it will trigger stress disorders. The greater the worry and anxiety you feel, the greater the risk of experiencing stress. However, we can overcome this by adopting a healthy lifestyle. You can also ask mental health professionals to find the right method of managing stress. 

7.     Mood Swings:

As the definition of stress is an emotional response, one of the major signs of stress is the change in mood or mood swings. The many emotional effects of stress can cause us to experience mood swings. This was found in a study published in the journal PLOS One in December 2014, that examined the role of different types of stress tests on physiology, mood, and cognition. The research shows that social stressors, or stressful circumstances, have a profound impact on emotional health and mood in individuals.

How to Overcome: To overcome this, we can do relaxation techniques, enjoy the outdoors, and practice mindfulness. Get some fresh air and stay in the sunlight. Sunlight increases serotonin production in the brain — a chemical that regulates the mood. Staying in sunlight daily helps in avoiding depression. If your change of mood seems serious and does not go away, consult a mental health professional immediately

7.     Sleep Disorder: 

Change in the regular sleeping pattern is one of the primary signs of stress. Emotional stress causes mental exhaustion and physical fatigue. If you are sleeping less than usual or more than usual or wake up after a few hours and find it difficult to go back to sleep, then you are under stress. Recurrent sleep disturbance, which persists for a couple of weeks that has no physical reason, is definitely linked with psychological stress.                                                

How to Overcome: Stay away from gadgets and your smartphone. The blue light emitted from electronic devices disrupts the production of melatonin hormones. These melatonin hormones promoting sleep, and secreted when we are in darkness. Avoid caffeine or caffeinated drinks. 

By the way, the symptoms of mental stress can vary from person to person. Because it depends on which mental problem, that person has. This can happen to anyone and if the person suffering from mental stress gets his treatment properly, then this condition can also be cured and he can lead a good and happy life. However, in most cases, people are afraid to get counseling so that people do not recognize that they under stress, because of this the problem increases. Getting rid of any such disease is not as easy as we think. Nevertheless, this does not mean that mental stress cannot be relieved. Nowadays, where we are in a stressful environment, it is common to suffer mental stress. Most mental illness or mental stress is due to any change in our brain or due to chemical imbalance. Therefore, it is very important to have the support of the family and the help of the right doctor.

ALSO READHow to Manage Stress in Life 


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